Family, General, Wellbeing

Me and the Approaching Significant Birthday

It’s really strange when you approach a milestone, especially when, in your head, you still think you’re 28 (the age I usually admit to).

I mean, when did this happen? It sneaks up on you, and you start to take stock of your life. What have I achieved? Am I fulfilled? Can I be bothered to get my backside off the sofa and do something?

When I was 20 I would get on a plane halfway across the world on my own. Now I can’t be bothered to get a bus to the next town. Is this just getting older or is it my nature. I suspect the latter actually – I think I’m inherently lazy and fairly unsociable. No, that’s not quite true.

I like to entertain, but because I’m not a drinker, I’m not that comfortable around drunk people and tend to shy away from situations where vast quantities of alcohol are the main source of entertainment. It means that I don’t have the inclination to attend even family events if the main idea is to get bladdered. And that means I’m perceived as being no fun. I know that. But…I love to dance. As soon as the music comes on, I’m on the dance floor. I don’t need to be drunk.

I’m not a good swimmer – in fact I’m not a swimmer at all really. An almost drowning incident in my 20s did nothing to bolster my confidence. Because of this I’m not a bit interested in beach holidays. Plus my husband is red headed and gets sunburnt in the least of sunshine.

I don’t drive. I learned many years ago and could drive well, but after 4 failed attempts at the test due to nerves I didn’t bother again. I know it annoys my husband who thinks driving is the only way to get anywhere at all.

I’m not overtly political. Of course I keep abreast of the current situations, but I can’t be ranting about who’s “right” and who’s “wrong”. History has shown that whatever pickles our country has been in, we’ve managed to sort them out.

My body is definitely not playing ball. I’ve been diagnosed with several conditions and am in constant pain. I’m currently waiting on a Gall Bladder removal but heaven knows how long that will be. I’ve had Bells Palsy this past six weeks but am on the mend now. Due to having some falls I’ve become increasingly concerned about going anywhere on my own so I don’t really go anywhere at all. Which is not good for me or my mental health. I can’t remember the last time anybody from my family asked how I am doing.

I’m actually quite lonely.

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